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Urban oases
Linz’s gardens, squares and parks

  • Exhibition view, Urban oases. Linz’s gardens, squares and parks, 2018
  • Exhibition view, Urban oases. Linz’s gardens, squares and parks, 2018

How much green does a city need? Where are the spots in Linz where it pays to hang out? What stories are associated with Linz’s parks? With a relatively high share of Linz’s total area claimed by greenery, the recreational potential this entails is both great and greatly diverse: people meet up for various kinds of athletic activities or for a chat. During the lunch break park benches are ideal for a snack or perhaps even for a short nap. Some people will want to be left to themselves, others are looking for company and some have even made the green spaces their home: urban oases and living spaces, social meeting points and refuges, playgrounds and resting places. 

Linz is a city that keeps expanding. In the last fifteen years the city’s population has grown by more than 10%. The city is located in a field of tension between expansion and densification. It is therefore all the more important to ensure that future generations have space to expand into. At the same time we are in the anthropocene, a new geological epoch that is being shaped by the consequences of human activity and entails climatic changes. These are challenges that need to be accepted.

The exhibition takes stock of open spaces in Linz and provides a wealth of historical facts, picturesque vistas, topical trends and visions of the future in store for Linz’s gardens, squares and parks. Alongside well-known places saturated with history, such as the Volksgarten, the focus is also on smaller, less familiar open spaces.

Curators: Andrea Bina, Klaudia Kreslehner
Technical expertise: Barbara Veitl


*Please understand that we offer our video production in German language only.

Urban oases. Linz’s gardens, squares and parks

Stadt­füh­rer durch die Linzer Gärten, Plätze und Parks, erschie­nen anläss­lich der Aus­stel­lung im Böhlau Ver­lag. farb. Abbildungen

387 Sei­ten, deutsch

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Nordico Stadtmuseum Linz
Simon-Wiesenthal-Platz 1, 4020 Linz

T +43 732 7070 1901

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Day of week Opening hours
TuSu 10 am – 6 pm
Th 10 am – 8 pm
Mo closed
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Awarded the Austrian Eco-Label for Museums
Museen der Stadt Linz

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