City Voices/Letters of Trans(T*).DisCity
A Satellite project in context and collaboration with the exhibition City Lab, inviting residents to express their desires, needs and wishes in form of a letter, by Jaskaran Anand and verein trivium.
Write what you feel and post it! Write what you see and post it! Let us map what is becoming our “new” history! What do we need? Let us celebrate, map, reflect and be aware of changes we want to see in our city and work towards them. We hear your/our voices – write a letter, draw, answer/reflect on a question, play with categories, send photos, videos, voice messages and all you like.…
Let’s write letters to „the city“ – Visit our letterbox stations & let’s play
There are multiple locations around the city, where you can find our “letter box stations” and drop your suggestions, likes, dislikes, desires… Those that serve as a symbolic representation, where the box becomes a powerful symbol of the voices of the city’s residents – a representation that encapsulates the city into a “transdisciplinary entity”. There is no right or wrong!.. perhaps momentarily!?
You are invited to visit every station and find the possibility to write a letter to „the city“ or to the partners, „donate“ one or more words, and answer questions. To do so, you are invited to involve yourself in a dice game, that helps you get started.
Locations “letter box stations”
- Café Viele Leute (Pfarrplatz 4)
- Cohousing Holzstraße (Holzstraße 15)
- DORFTV (Kärntnerstraße 26)
- EXXTRABLATT (Spittelwiese 8)
- Kiosk Frankviertel (Stiegelbauerstraße 10)
- PANGEA – Werkstatt der Kulturen der Welt (Volksfeststraße 23)
- Radius (Altstadt 6)
- Raumteiler (Humboldtstraße 33a)
- RedSapata Tanzfabrik/Sonnenstein Loft (Sonnensteinstraße 11 – 12)
- Zirkus des Wissens (Altenbergerstraße 69)
What happens with the letter when I dropped it in the box?
Will I get an answer and by whom?The letters will be brought to Nordico by artist Jaskaran Anand. There they will be mapped to gain a deep understanding on how „the city“ thinks, feels, and breathes: what do the residents need for developing inclusive and diverse atmospheres? At least at February 25th we invite everyone to come together to a collective maping. In this and other workshops we will find out of how these responds connect with our feelings, our body movements, and sounds that we embody through our daily activities, We come together to see what is connected to what? Perhaps the things we complain about, connect to the things we first need to change in ourselves and thereby transform the city into a transformative entity. Further more artist Jaskaran Anand will translate these insights in performances that will also travel to other cities as embassadors.
Transformative, transdisciplinary, and transcending, City Voices/Letters of Trans(T*). DisCity, serves as a conduit for what is becoming the “new” history of the city – providing safer spaces with celebration, reflection and inclusivity on to the city’s social, economic and political developments. It involves residents’ voices to be received, and heard.. how we categorize and desire certain aspects of ourselves and especially that of the city…
City Voices is built on the 2017 social-street project A New Day! Write what you feel and post it!, where two performers go around the streets of Linz like “moving as bodies of emotions and thoughts”, where the passersby write and post their thoughts on the body of the performers. The performers give out “gifts” in the form of a post-it to bring a smile to the faces of the people.
Get in Touch
We are very interested in having one-to-one interactions with the voices that are unheard in the city, in working places, or self-sabotaging processes, inventing caring-communicative atmospheres within the city…
Send us an Email to or follow trivium on Instagram.
Upcoming Events
*Loft Exchange: City Voices /What happens when Goddess Durga ( Kali) meets Kaiserin Sissi in Trans(T*).Dis.City
Saturday, 13th April 2024, 19:30h (doors open) @ Sonnenstein Loft
A performative installation-based social gathering; an immersive event blending research and creative expression, where Goddess Kali meets Kaiserin Sissi in a transformative narrative. Through installation-based visual storytelling, diverse voices intertwine to unveil overlooked narratives, inviting marginalized communities to engage in meaningful dialogue and connection. Delving into sculptural symbols and diverse narratives, this performative installation aims to honor the resilience of the human spirit across cultures.
by Jaskaran Anand/trivium; with Alja Ferjan and Fatima El Kosht.
Language: English
Concept, idea, direction: Jaskaran Anand
Education consultancy: Karin Schneider
Production: trivium, in collaboration with Nordico Stadtmuseum
Cooperation Partners: RedSapata Tanzfabrik/Sonnenstein Loft, Pangea – Werkstatt der Kulturen der Welt and dorftv